

HHAÚSTIER PRODUCTS is committed to consistently create value for our customers, by providing products and

sservices which enable them to achieve excellence and sustainable competitive edge.

PPrecise selection of the resources to ensure decent results.

OOur mission has always been using business to improve lives, and that includes taking good care of the work-

pplace. We’ve pledged to make choices that benefit our dealers, employees, and the planet—from the materials

aand vendors we choose to the way we get each product to you.


HHAÚSTIER PRODUCTS is committed to showing respect for the human rights of each and every employee. The Group seeks to enable all employees to enhance their abilities and professional skills and achieve their career goals. This aspiration is articulated in the Haústier Products Guidance for Charter of Corporate Behavior, states its commitment as follows:

  • • Precise selection of the resources to ensure decent results.
  • • We seek to eliminate Discrimination of all kinds, whether based on race, nationality, gender, religion, belief, or

    Physical disability.

  • • We seek to eliminate Child Labor and Forced Labor.
  • • We Endeavor to create a Safe and Healthy workplace environment.